Be connected and energised for our work together: 2024 Muster Recap

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Over 70 people came together at the National Theatre in Braidwood, for the 2024 South East Landcare Muster, responding to an invitation to become connected and energised for our work together.

Participants started by reflecting on why Landcare is important to them at a personal level, and then they moved through a series of activities that fostered a sense of community and connection with our district, regional and State networks.

One highlight of the day was the ‘Drive around the South East’ in a big red car where we met coordinators and representatives from each district who spoke to a showcase project or activity.

Participants took a deep dive into topics of interest to those in the South East including details of the Landcare Enabling Program, Aboriginal community engagement, preparing at risk biodiversity areas for emergencies and climate smart agriculture amongst others.

Those who are deeply involved/integrated in Landcare work in the South East were invited to help build a directory of skills and people. Representatives from South East Landcare, Landcare NSW and Local Land Services presented information and answered questions in a panel session. As well as having questions asked of them, they had an opportunity to hear from landcarers by hosting a variety of small group discussions.

People left with a better understanding of the whole network a feeling of alignment and that were able to contribute to the regional planning process.

See more about the South East Landcare Muster


Funded by the Australian Government’s Natural Heritage Trust and delivered by South East Local Land Services, a member of the Commonwealth Regional Delivery Partners panel.