Melinda Kent, Cooma Landcare
In late October last year Cooma Landcare had the pleasure of working alongside Year 5 students from St Patricks School in Cooma to plant over 120 native plants (mostly grasses) along the riparian zone of Cooma Back Creek. On the day the students were ready, willing and super organised completing the planting, watering and installing of the guards within two hours.
Five months later the plants are thriving, growing over and under their plant guards and the losses have been minimal (2 plants lost out of 120). Congratulations to the students on the success on their work!
The site is being improved in a joint effort by Cooma Landcare and Cooma Waterwatch to improve the connectivity of the Creek to Coolamatong, stabilise banks and improve frog habitat. Coolamatong is a site of significance to the Ngarigo people. Frogwatch monitors frogs at the bottom end of the gorge and it has the highest frog diversity in Cooma. The plantings replace a jumble of annual weeds and so will also enhance the enjoyment of those using the walking track.
Upper Murrumbidgee Landcare